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Communities That Care (CTC) is an evidence-based process that helps prevent problems before they start.  The CTC process guides the community through the process of matching risk factors evident in community data with proven methods for addressing those risks. CTC provides a mechanism to address multiple youth problems in a coordinated effort, including: 


  • Delinquency

  • Depression

  • School dropout

  • Substance abuse

  • Violence


CTC has efforts in 47 communities across Colorado are being funded by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).  The Jefferson County Community has been collecting data and holding focus groups across the county.  Please visit the Jeffco CTC website for updated information, which includes data results, planning, upcoming events and efforts.  Contact Pamela Gould at for more information.

Changes are natural as kids grow and mature. However, some changes in behavior may be signs of alcohol and drug use.  Speak Now Colorado provides information about how to identify high risk behaviors, the law, drugs of use, community resources and how to create a healthy habit plan.

The Jefferson County Public School District recognizes that schools contribute to the basic health status of students and healthy students are better learners.  Please visit the Healthy Schools website to learn more about efforts taking place across the district to improve the health of our students.

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The Prevention Subcommittee meets to create and support healthy, positive lifestyle choices for Jefferson County youth, families and adults as an alternative to substance abuse.  This group combines the Communities that Care (CTC) and Drug Free Communities (DFC) grants.

For more information about Jeffco Connections please contact Lindsey Jones, Jeffco Connections Program Manager at or (303)271-4372. 

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